Segment: “William Wilson” Directed by Louis Malle
Shown from left: Brigitte Bardot, Alain Delon

Directed by Richard Thorpe
Shown from left: Robert Montgomery, Dame May Whitty

Hi gang!
Tomorrow I head into surgery with the hope of correcting a problem I’ve been suffering with for several years. They’ll also be doing a liver biopsy which I am more concerned about. But in these late hours pondering how things will go at the hospital tomorrow, it brought to mind the late great Gene Wilder… and that my situation demanded a little levity to take the edge off… So wish me well, and hopefully they’ll pound on my chest in the event it looks like I’m a goner!
Actually I’m having a robot operating on me… I’ve always been very kind to machinery, so if this is the day the Robots rebel– I think I’ll be in good yet tiny titantium hands.
After I heal up…I’ll probably be back in form and re-posting more and more!
Your EverLovin’ MonsterGirl sayin’ ‘Live, Live”
Mel Brooks‘ brilliant Gothic farce about the legend of Dr Frankenstein, with a humorous spin on it that only Brooks could do! I’m sure Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley is smiling down upon Brooks and Wilder’s adaptation of her iconic contribution to literature, culture and film!
Starring some of THE funniest people in the world, Gene Wilder, Madeline Kahn, Teri Garr, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, Chloris Leachman, Kenneth Mars. and Gene Hackman
Some great quotes!
And…No it’s not the music from the sinister prairie dog on YouTube silly, it’s the real thing!
Happy Trailers-MonsterGirl