American actress and singer Virginia Bruce, 1932 |
Ann Rutherford serves up made to order Halloween pumpkins, ca. 1940s |
Anne Gwynne, 1941 |
Anne Nagel, ca. 1940s |
Audrey Young as a black cat for Halloween, 1946 |
Ava Gardner dressed as a witch, 1944 |
Barbara Bates and Penny Edwards, 1950 |
Barbara Bates, 1945 |
Barbara Britton, Ella Neal, Eva Gabor, and Katherine Booth, 1941 |
Bessie Love, ca. 1920s |
Clara Bow, 1929 |
Classic Hollywood actress Colleen Moore, ca. 1920s |
Classic Hollywood actress Myrna Loy, ca. 1930s |
Debbie Reynolds Halloween pinup, 1950 |
Dorothy Dare in 1928 Halloween |
Dorothy Dix in Halloween costumes, ca. 1930s |
Dusty Anderson as a black cat, 1945 |
Helen Bennett in spider dress, 1939 |
Ida Lupino in the 1930s Halloween |
Joan Blondell in a cat costume, ca. 1930s |
Joan Crawford as a funny clown, ca. 1920s |
June Preisser carving pumpkins for Halloween, ca. 1940s |
Lillian Wells, ca. 1940s |
Linda Darnell, ca. 1940s. |
Lynn Barri, ca. 1940s |
Maila Nurmi as a vampire, 1954 |
Margaret Hamilton as the Wizard of Oz in the 1930s Halloween |
Marjorie Reynolds, Frances Brix and Mitzi Uehlein, 1940 |
Myrna Dell, ca. 1940s |
Olga San Juan, ca. 1940s |
Paulette Goddard, 1939 |
Phyllis Kirk, ca. 1950s |
Shirley Temple in Halloween, 1935 |
Silent film start Mary Pickford, ca. 1910s |
Vera-Ellen, 1956 |
Thank You
Vintage Everyday for sharing these gorgeous gals getting into the ‘spirit’ of Halloween!
Your EverLovin’ Joey